Production sheet

Stages of the Ecological Production Process at SILIKATY BARLINEK

/ Storage and Mixing of Raw Materials.

The lime delivered from silos is dosed in appropriate quantities with sand and water, then intensively mixed and directed to the reactor via a bucket conveyor.

/ Maturation

In the reactor, the components undergo several hours of maturation under elevated temperatures resulting from the chemical reaction of the components. This mixture is then transferred to the presses.

/ Forming at this Production Stage

The fully automated press forms the sand-lime mixture into blocks and bricks, maintaining the appropriate shape, size, and density, and then places them on curing carts which are directed to the autoclaves.

/ Curing Process in Autoclaves

At this stage, the semi-finished products are hardened under high steam pressure [approx. 16 bar] and with minimal energy consumption at a temperature of approx. 200°C. The short curing time ranges from 4 to 8 hours, depending on the size of the blocks. Through the high pressure of the hot steam, the grains of quartz sand are released. The released silicic acid forms crystalline phases of the binding agent with calcium hydroxide, bonding the individual sand grains together. This structure is responsible for the high strength of the silicate blocks. During this process, no harmful substances are emitted.

/ Cooling

After hardening and cooling, the silicate blocks and bricks are stacked on transport pallets and are ready for sale.

Thanks to this technology, calcium-silicate products achieve excellent technical parameters.

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Production diagram


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