Advantages of sand-lime bricks

Both external and internal walls are subject to high demands today. They should be durable, warm, quiet, healthy, safe, and aesthetic. In search of answers to meet these criteria, let's take a look at the following reading.

The Healthiest Building Material

Silicates are produced solely from natural raw materials – environmentally friendly materials that meet ecological requirements during production, construction, and during usage and recycling. Silicates are ecological at every stage of their life cycle. They do not emit any harmful substances, which is why they belong to the group of building materials with the lowest natural radioactivity factor. Because silicate blocks are produced exclusively from natural ingredients, they are considered one of the healthiest materials for construction.

Durable and Compressive Strength

Silicate blocks are manufactured in various strength classes, ranging from 15 to 40 MPa. The properties of silicates in terms of high strength and durability allow for the construction of multistory buildings without the need for a skeletal structure. Their high compressive strength is a fundamental requirement for surface savings in wall construction. The high durability of silicates is compared to the durability of natural stone.

Quiet at Home - Guarantee of Good Acoustic Insulation

Due to their high density, silicate blocks are classified as the best materials for acoustic insulation. They provide protection against external noise and effectively dampen noise levels from the neighborhood, significantly enhancing living and usage comfort.

Fire Resistant

Silicate blocks ensure high fire resistance due to their structure. They guarantee complete fire safety – they are entirely non-combustible! Due to their fire resistance, silicate blocks are used in structures with special fire protection requirements, such as firewalls, chimneys, boiler rooms, etc. The fire reaction class of silicates is A1.

Breathable and Bactericidal Walls

Silicates provide the highest vapor permeability among building materials. This prevents condensation and dampness in the rooms, offering good protection against the growth of fungi and bacterial flora. Lime, as one of the components of silicate blocks, also prevents the formation of microorganisms and fungi, which further enhances the healthiness of the living space.

Heat Storage Capacity and Cold Protection

Due to their high density, silicates have thermal storage capacity, making them ideal for interior walls. Excess heat is stored and released when the room temperature drops. This saves heating energy in winter and provides a pleasant room climate in summer. In summer, it gives a cool feeling, and in winter, it protects against sudden temperature drops. This ensures good "air conditioning" and temperature balance.

Moisture Regulation

Walls made of silicate blocks guarantee optimal humidity levels in rooms. Lime-sandstone walls absorb excess air moisture and release it back when the humidity in the rooms drops. This significantly impacts the humidity ratio. If the place is too humid, it protects against mold growth. A too dry place contributes to dust allergies, mucous membrane irritation, and difficult breathing. Therefore, walls made of silicate products maintain optimal humidity levels between 40% and 60%.

Frost Resistant

Silicate blocks are highly resistant to frost and weather conditions, making them suitable for constructing structures in all climatic conditions, even without an additional plaster layer, ensuring façade durability. They are recommended for building external walls.

High Dimensional Accuracy and Good Mortar Adhesion

The technological process of silicate blocks guarantees high dimensional accuracy. This significantly reduces finishing costs through lower mortar consumption and improves finishing work qualities. The masonry process is smooth and aesthetic. The high precision of silicate elements allows the use of thin joint mortars and direct painting of wall surfaces, further reducing construction costs.

Strong Edges

Silicate products are not brittle like many other building materials. They are resistant to mechanical damage, saving time during wall construction.

Custom Production

Thanks to modern machines, SILIKATE BARLINEK produces blocks according to the investor's individual needs in terms of shape, size, and density.

Attractive Price

With all the above-mentioned advantages, silicate is undoubtedly one of the most cost-effective building materials for constructing various types of structures.

Production diagram


Advantages of silicates